Finding Time For Self Care & Maintenance

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere... let’s take a moment to get real about intentional self care. First of all, are you being intentional and consistent about your daily self care? Do you have a daily self care routine and if so what does your daily self care routine look like? Is there really no time for yourself, or are you lacking the boundaries necessary to set aside the necessary time for yourself?

Yes, our daily schedules are quite demanding! We’ve got babies, business, home, partners, friends, family and so much more to tend to. In the mix of all of that, how and where do you find time for yourself? Let me tell you how.

You must be intentional about your self care and set healthy boundaries for yourself. Put your time on the schedule. Literally write or type it in for everyone to see! Demand that your time is just as important as everything else on the list. Actually, it’s more important than everything on that list because if you break down, then that list of “things to do” does not get done! You cannot tend to the needs of yourself or others if your tank is empty. It’s that simple. You’ve got to get used to filling up your own tank first. Get used to telling people “NO!” when it’s “YOU TIME,” or whenever you feel the need to say no.

Own your self care and honor yourself in whatever way feeds your soul! No one is going to do it for you! It’s up to you to make it happen for you.



Get Swinging – Simple Technique to Promote Circulation & Relieve Anxiety, Tension & Stress

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...Our bodies are amazing! It acts on our behalf in so many ways without us even giving any effort or thought to it.

Whenever we have an experience that is emotionally, mentally, or physically terrifying or stressful, our bodies jump into action in order to get us to move through or away from the stressor or threat. Most of us are familiar with this stress response, via our sympathetic nervous system, as “fight or flight. Once the threat or stressor has passed, our bodies then bring us back to calm and balance via the parasympathetic nervous system.

Many of us experience stressful events daily causing us to come face to face with unwanted anxiety in its many forms. You might be overwhelmed from the work load at home, triggered from having to go back to work, stressed and terrified about the health and well being of yourself and family. The great news is that you can consciously and proactively help your body maintain balance with simple consistent exercises and techniques.

We suggest you get swinging! Try the swinging arms technique to promote circulation and relieve anxiety, tension and stress. There is enough pressure and stress out there, but swinging requires very little effort. Your mind and body is begging for it, so get loose and just have fun with your child like mind. Share it with friends. Get the family to join in!



Infinite Yoga- Malasana For Mama – Prepping The Body For Birthing Bliss

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers Of Women Everywhere...prepping the mind, body and spirit is essential for birthing your bliss as well as having a blissful birth. Incorporating malasana squat in your routine helps to prep your body & releases tension so that you may fulljoy your bliss. Try it and let us know how it works for you.

💛❤💚 j. #infinitelifeworks #infiniteyoga

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

Dance Like No One’s Watching

We’ve heard that dancing has many health benefits for the body. It can help you lose weight and tone your body, especially if you do it consistently. It’s also a great way to express ourselves without feeling like we’re exercising.  Dance is pure love and a spiritual experience for me. I get caught up in the rhythm, especially when a dope bassline hits, I cannot sit still. My love of music just makes the experience that much better. Dance is also a great way to also reset your mind when you feel down. It can relieve stress and get those endorphins flowing. Dance connects the mind, body, and soul. So I say, dance like nobody’s watching! Get free! Have fun, like I’m doing in the video below

I’m dancing despite not being the size I want to be

I’m dancing despite not having a flat belly

I’m dancing despite the pain in my back and hip

I’m dancing despite not being able to walk sometimes

I’m dancing because I love me

I’m dancing because it’s my therapy

I’m dancing because I’m claiming my space

I’m dancing because I’m shaking off all negativity

I’m dancing because it brings me joy

I’m dancing because I’m shining

I’m dancing because I’m healing

I’m dancing because I’m free

I’m dancing because I’m ALIVE



Benefits of dance:

Let’s Talk About Self Care

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…how are you doing with self care? There are several ways to approach this topic so let’s dive into a few.

First let’s talk about Personal Self Care.

Are you making space for you and the things you like? Do you even know what you like?

This weekend set aside some time for you to explore you! Do things that you love as well as somethings new. As you’ve grown you might find that your taste has changed in multiple ways. Go out on your own and try something unusual. If you find that you go out consistently, try staying in and practice solitude. Dig deeper into who you are.

Actively working on your personal self care feeds your soul. It’s a way to pour back into you refilling your cup. It’s a way to reset and refresh.

Now let’s touch on Emotional Self Care.

When the work week has begins, for many of us, it brings about feelings of anxiety, stress, and frustration. These feelings might come about because we might have to interact with challenging personalities or work through a difficult project. Whatever the issue, we must keep in mind that our perspectives and how we deal with these emotions have a huge impact on the trajectory of our week. Developing emotional intelligence as a means of coping and moving through each of these situations is key.

Actively working on your emotional health means improving your confidence, stability, attitude, your overall health and much more! The more allow yourself to feel and work through your feelings internally before acting out irrationally or being consumed by them, the more balanced and productive you’ll become. .

The next time you feel frustrated or any emotion, pause and recognize it. Name the feeling and feel it. Next, ask yourself why you feel that way. Then move on to finding a solution.

This process of building emotional intelligence isn’t always easy and it can be quite uncomfortable, but the more you practice it, the quicker and clearer your skills of moving through the process becomes! Not only will you become more self aware, you’ll also recognize how to gracefully maneuver around the emotions of others.

Let’s touch on Physical Self Care.

Are you practicing self discipline when it comes to your physical health?  .

Actively working on your physical health improve just about all areas of you. It increases energy, improves clarity, improves your attitude, and your overall health! The more you give to your body, the more your body gives back to you!

Don’t put off your self care for another time or day. You can start now! The world can wait a few minutes while you exercise some self love. Go ahead and give yourself what YOU need.

in unconditional love,
