Let’s Talk About Flexibility

Flexibility is Key

Rigidity means an unwillingness to let go. It means stagnation with no growth. It means snapping like a frozen twig in the midst of the storm. It means death. The great news is that you don't have rigor mortis! You are a living, thinking, breathing being, meant to bend, shift and change with every new experience. Flexibility is key!
You don't have to stick to the beliefs you had yesterday. You're allowed to change your mind. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. Allow them think what they want. You don't always have to be right. Allow yourself to apologize when you're wrong. You don't have to know it all. Leave room for yourself to learn & grow.
With each new challenge that comes your way, allow yourself room to shift and adjust. Sway like the trees in the breeze. Flow like the water that bends around the boulders attempting to block the way. Darling, learn to bend so you don't break! Flexibility is key!

Get Swinging – Simple Technique to Promote Circulation & Relieve Anxiety, Tension & Stress

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...Our bodies are amazing! It acts on our behalf in so many ways without us even giving any effort or thought to it.

Whenever we have an experience that is emotionally, mentally, or physically terrifying or stressful, our bodies jump into action in order to get us to move through or away from the stressor or threat. Most of us are familiar with this stress response, via our sympathetic nervous system, as “fight or flight. Once the threat or stressor has passed, our bodies then bring us back to calm and balance via the parasympathetic nervous system.

Many of us experience stressful events daily causing us to come face to face with unwanted anxiety in its many forms. You might be overwhelmed from the work load at home, triggered from having to go back to work, stressed and terrified about the health and well being of yourself and family. The great news is that you can consciously and proactively help your body maintain balance with simple consistent exercises and techniques.

We suggest you get swinging! Try the swinging arms technique to promote circulation and relieve anxiety, tension and stress. There is enough pressure and stress out there, but swinging requires very little effort. Your mind and body is begging for it, so get loose and just have fun with your child like mind. Share it with friends. Get the family to join in!




Daily Rising Routine

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...do you have daily rising routine? Do you meditate, journal, workout, take a bath, read? Setting up a daily rising routine is a must!

We all have busy schedules with people and things that beg for our attention and pull at our energy. Kids need to be fed, house needs to be cleaned, work needs to get done! Tending to your self care must be at the top of that list. Being intentional about taking that time to serve and honor yourself creates balance, an increase sense of value and boundaries. Your daily discipline definitely helps to set the tone for your day.

If you don't have one, create one. Your routine doesn't have to look like anyone else's. There are so many options. Set aside at least 15 minutes for yourself, pick a routine that suites you and stick to it!




music by NightSky

Safe, Secure & Supported-Simple Root & Solar Plexus Chakra Exercise

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...is your anxiety, self doubt or insecurity blocking your progress and stunting your growth? There are a multitude of external forces that negatively contribute to our lack of self confidence and fear, but the worst are those negative voices and feelings within us. No need to stress over though because there's great news! Do you know that you can reprogram your mind to focus thoughts to boost your confidence and sense of security in order to bring about your desired outcome? All it takes is a desire to change and practice!

Try this simple exercise to ground yourself, increase your confidence and stability. It's perfect for starting your day, setting the tone prior to any major event, helping expectant mothers feel more supported and much more. The more you practice this technique, the easier becomes to remove self doubt as soon as it starts creeping in. You've got this!


#infinitelifeworks www.infinitelifeworks.com

Infinite Yoga- Malasana For Mama – Prepping The Body For Birthing Bliss

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers Of Women Everywhere...prepping the mind, body and spirit is essential for birthing your bliss as well as having a blissful birth. Incorporating malasana squat in your routine helps to prep your body & releases tension so that you may fulljoy your bliss. Try it and let us know how it works for you.

💛❤💚 j. #infinitelifeworks #infiniteyoga

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. Consult with your healthcare professional to design an appropriate exercise prescription. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.