Dance Like No One’s Watching

We’ve heard that dancing has many health benefits for the body. It can help you lose weight and tone your body, especially if you do it consistently. It’s also a great way to express ourselves without feeling like we’re exercising.  Dance is pure love and a spiritual experience for me. I get caught up in the rhythm, especially when a dope bassline hits, I cannot sit still. My love of music just makes the experience that much better. Dance is also a great way to also reset your mind when you feel down. It can relieve stress and get those endorphins flowing. Dance connects the mind, body, and soul. So I say, dance like nobody’s watching! Get free! Have fun, like I’m doing in the video below

I’m dancing despite not being the size I want to be

I’m dancing despite not having a flat belly

I’m dancing despite the pain in my back and hip

I’m dancing despite not being able to walk sometimes

I’m dancing because I love me

I’m dancing because it’s my therapy

I’m dancing because I’m claiming my space

I’m dancing because I’m shaking off all negativity

I’m dancing because it brings me joy

I’m dancing because I’m shining

I’m dancing because I’m healing

I’m dancing because I’m free

I’m dancing because I’m ALIVE



Benefits of dance: