Clearing the Clutter

Clearing the Clutter

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women, & Lovers Of Women Everywhere...Let's talk about clearing the clutter.Clutter shows up in a multitude of forms. Clutter may manifest in the form of unhealthy thoughts, actions, beliefs, things and even people. It’s time for a deep evaluation and release. It’s time to let it all go.  

Your clutter may look like compounding negative thoughts that fill you with doubt, self hate and imposter syndrome. Holding tight to those thoughts only blocks you from the real you! Those thoughts are taking up residency within your mind and ultimately captive your soul. Get the push broom and sweep them out! They have no right to take up space within the sacred space of your mind. Serve them their eviction notice and allow your clarity, creativity and peace flow freely. 

Your clutter may look like unused items and unnecessary things taking up your physical space. Every corner is filled with stuff, which leaves you with very little room to move freely. That stuff you’ve got scattered about stacked up may also be what’s causing you to feel so low, depleted and filled with anxiety. Your physical space has a direct effect on your internal space, so when your space is a mess, you end up feeling a mess. Constantly being in the presence of clutter triggers a state of stress within the body so go ahead and take action. Donate what you don’t need and watch how much easier it is to relax and breathe. 

Your clutter may look like an attachment to people. You’ve got all these “friends” and acquaintances who are only present to drink up your energy with no thought or intention to replenish what they’ve taken. Your elevation threatens their comfort so they make it their goal to keep you in the same repetitive downward cycle. They bring constant drama and unhealthy beliefs which you then, unknowingly begin to embody and emulate. Cut ties with those frenemies, family members, partners and all others who are hindering your progress. Make room in your circle for those who genuinely want and will help you find the next steps for your elevation. Once you’ve cleared your friends lists, you’ll undoubtedly notice how much lighter your spirit feels. Your confidence will blossom and you’ll gain a new understanding of self. 

Clearing clutter is routinely necessary and one of the most advantageous times to practice clearing out is around the full moon. Full moon energy is about clearing space so aligning your cleansings with the full moon not only amplifies your cleansing energy, but also serves as a monthly reminder to pause, evaluate and get to cleansing. It’s time to clear out the clutter to make room for better! 



Let’s Talk About Flexibility

Flexibility is Key

Rigidity means an unwillingness to let go. It means stagnation with no growth. It means snapping like a frozen twig in the midst of the storm. It means death. The great news is that you don't have rigor mortis! You are a living, thinking, breathing being, meant to bend, shift and change with every new experience. Flexibility is key!
You don't have to stick to the beliefs you had yesterday. You're allowed to change your mind. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. Allow them think what they want. You don't always have to be right. Allow yourself to apologize when you're wrong. You don't have to know it all. Leave room for yourself to learn & grow.
With each new challenge that comes your way, allow yourself room to shift and adjust. Sway like the trees in the breeze. Flow like the water that bends around the boulders attempting to block the way. Darling, learn to bend so you don't break! Flexibility is key!

Let’s Talk About Self Care

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…how are you doing with self care? There are several ways to approach this topic so let’s dive into a few.

First let’s talk about Personal Self Care.

Are you making space for you and the things you like? Do you even know what you like?

This weekend set aside some time for you to explore you! Do things that you love as well as somethings new. As you’ve grown you might find that your taste has changed in multiple ways. Go out on your own and try something unusual. If you find that you go out consistently, try staying in and practice solitude. Dig deeper into who you are.

Actively working on your personal self care feeds your soul. It’s a way to pour back into you refilling your cup. It’s a way to reset and refresh.

Now let’s touch on Emotional Self Care.

When the work week has begins, for many of us, it brings about feelings of anxiety, stress, and frustration. These feelings might come about because we might have to interact with challenging personalities or work through a difficult project. Whatever the issue, we must keep in mind that our perspectives and how we deal with these emotions have a huge impact on the trajectory of our week. Developing emotional intelligence as a means of coping and moving through each of these situations is key.

Actively working on your emotional health means improving your confidence, stability, attitude, your overall health and much more! The more allow yourself to feel and work through your feelings internally before acting out irrationally or being consumed by them, the more balanced and productive you’ll become. .

The next time you feel frustrated or any emotion, pause and recognize it. Name the feeling and feel it. Next, ask yourself why you feel that way. Then move on to finding a solution.

This process of building emotional intelligence isn’t always easy and it can be quite uncomfortable, but the more you practice it, the quicker and clearer your skills of moving through the process becomes! Not only will you become more self aware, you’ll also recognize how to gracefully maneuver around the emotions of others.

Let’s touch on Physical Self Care.

Are you practicing self discipline when it comes to your physical health?  .

Actively working on your physical health improve just about all areas of you. It increases energy, improves clarity, improves your attitude, and your overall health! The more you give to your body, the more your body gives back to you!

Don’t put off your self care for another time or day. You can start now! The world can wait a few minutes while you exercise some self love. Go ahead and give yourself what YOU need.

in unconditional love,
