Finding Time For Self Care & Maintenance

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere... let’s take a moment to get real about intentional self care. First of all, are you being intentional and consistent about your daily self care? Do you have a daily self care routine and if so what does your daily self care routine look like? Is there really no time for yourself, or are you lacking the boundaries necessary to set aside the necessary time for yourself?

Yes, our daily schedules are quite demanding! We’ve got babies, business, home, partners, friends, family and so much more to tend to. In the mix of all of that, how and where do you find time for yourself? Let me tell you how.

You must be intentional about your self care and set healthy boundaries for yourself. Put your time on the schedule. Literally write or type it in for everyone to see! Demand that your time is just as important as everything else on the list. Actually, it’s more important than everything on that list because if you break down, then that list of “things to do” does not get done! You cannot tend to the needs of yourself or others if your tank is empty. It’s that simple. You’ve got to get used to filling up your own tank first. Get used to telling people “NO!” when it’s “YOU TIME,” or whenever you feel the need to say no.

Own your self care and honor yourself in whatever way feeds your soul! No one is going to do it for you! It’s up to you to make it happen for you.

