Get Swinging – Simple Technique to Promote Circulation & Relieve Anxiety, Tension & Stress

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...Our bodies are amazing! It acts on our behalf in so many ways without us even giving any effort or thought to it.

Whenever we have an experience that is emotionally, mentally, or physically terrifying or stressful, our bodies jump into action in order to get us to move through or away from the stressor or threat. Most of us are familiar with this stress response, via our sympathetic nervous system, as “fight or flight. Once the threat or stressor has passed, our bodies then bring us back to calm and balance via the parasympathetic nervous system.

Many of us experience stressful events daily causing us to come face to face with unwanted anxiety in its many forms. You might be overwhelmed from the work load at home, triggered from having to go back to work, stressed and terrified about the health and well being of yourself and family. The great news is that you can consciously and proactively help your body maintain balance with simple consistent exercises and techniques.

We suggest you get swinging! Try the swinging arms technique to promote circulation and relieve anxiety, tension and stress. There is enough pressure and stress out there, but swinging requires very little effort. Your mind and body is begging for it, so get loose and just have fun with your child like mind. Share it with friends. Get the family to join in!



Collective Healing Power

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women and Lovers Of Women you know how powerful you are? You are extremely powerful! Now imagine that power multiplied. The amplification of our positive power is exactly what happens when we intentionally come together and focus on a common cause. This is what we need right now to nullify the global collective illnesses, stresses and division that we face. Instead of collectively feeding our fears we can shift our energy together with a focus on our healing, strength and progressive elevation. You are encouraged to gather your community and get to work!

