Let’s Talk About Authenticity

Trusting Intuition= Authenticity

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women, & Lovers Of Women Everywhere...Let's talk about authenticity. Do you know what happens when you start listening to your internal voice? You start thriving and living an authentic life!
Think about all the times you said yes, when you really wanted to say no. Your stomach ends up in knots and you cringe! When you go against your intuition, most times you end up saying to yourself “I knew I shouldn’t have done that, gone there, said that” etc. You end up with a bunch of “shoulda, coulda, wouldas!”
Many times, we find ourselves saying yes when we want to say no, falling in line with linear robotic living and not wanting to step out of line in fear of being scrutinized as the outsider, weirdo or outcast. As we continue moving through life playing roles, pleasing everyone else, but ourselves, we end up feeling stagnant, resentment, or a complete loss of identity. Just about every time you force yourself in spaces and places with faces that aren’t in alignment with who you are, you end up in unfavorable situations with unfavorable results. Every time you follow the expectations and play the roles that others have created for you, you ignore the essence of your true self. Every time you block your internal voice, you block your authenticity. You block yourself from being you!
None of the above sounds favorable. The good news is that you are capable of stepping away from under the fist of fear and onto a path where you are the designer. Instead of following and trying so hard to fit into the norms, try getting to know your likes, dislikes and desires. Ask yourself questions to get to the roots of yourself and listen for the answers.
Have I been listening to my internal voice?
Am I living the life I desire?
What does normal look like for me?
What do I expect of myself?
Am I living up to my expectations?
What ignites my fire?
Am I living where I want to live?
Am I eating how I want to eat?
Am I pursuing my desired career?
Am I as healthy as I want to be?
What changes do I need to make in order to thrive in my authenticity?
When you step away from all of that extra external “stuff”, you are able to find and hear your own voice loud and clear. Your decision making skills become much sharper. The livity that your soul has been beckoning for, begins to unfold. You are able to connect with soul family and people who have your best interests at heart. You are able to live with a clear conscience and peace of mind. You are able to connect with you!

Let’s Talk About Shame

Hey Mamas, Mommies to be, Women & Loves of Women Everywhere...Let’s talk about shame! Are you allowing shame to dictate your steps?
Shame will have you blocking your blessing. It will steal your joy. It will have you shrinking yourself because you feel less than. It will have you over doing things because you're trying to compensate for that feeling of lack. Shame makes you feel like you're less and shrinking yourself up, smalling yourself up, hiding yourself from the world because you don't want them to see your shame.
What you're actually doing is hiding all the gifts that you have to share with the world. You are blocking yourself from progressing into whatever person you really aspire to be. You are blocking yourself from moving into whatever goals and dreams you have. You are allowing shame, whether it's something you did on your own or something somebody else put on you, to dictate your steps.
In order to remove shame from being the dictator of your actions, you have got to make a choice. Decide that you want to step away from the shame. Put it down and never pick it up again! That requires some shadow work which is not an easy or pretty process. It’s not a quick fix. Sometimes it takes weeks, months or years. Sometimes you have to go through the process several times to fully get through it, but it is necessary.
In order to step away from shame, you've got to give yourself permission to investigate that shame, understand its origins, move through the pains, forgive yourself and release it. Sometimes it requires you to confront and have a discussion with people who are involved in whatever is bringing you the feeling of shame. You may need to seek counseling and that's ok.
You've got to give yourself permission to release. Once you have released that shame, you are free to bloom and stand in your power.

Daily Rising Routine

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...do you have daily rising routine? Do you meditate, journal, workout, take a bath, read? Setting up a daily rising routine is a must!

We all have busy schedules with people and things that beg for our attention and pull at our energy. Kids need to be fed, house needs to be cleaned, work needs to get done! Tending to your self care must be at the top of that list. Being intentional about taking that time to serve and honor yourself creates balance, an increase sense of value and boundaries. Your daily discipline definitely helps to set the tone for your day.

If you don't have one, create one. Your routine doesn't have to look like anyone else's. There are so many options. Set aside at least 15 minutes for yourself, pick a routine that suites you and stick to it!




music by NightSky

Safe, Secure & Supported-Simple Root & Solar Plexus Chakra Exercise

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...is your anxiety, self doubt or insecurity blocking your progress and stunting your growth? There are a multitude of external forces that negatively contribute to our lack of self confidence and fear, but the worst are those negative voices and feelings within us. No need to stress over though because there's great news! Do you know that you can reprogram your mind to focus thoughts to boost your confidence and sense of security in order to bring about your desired outcome? All it takes is a desire to change and practice!

Try this simple exercise to ground yourself, increase your confidence and stability. It's perfect for starting your day, setting the tone prior to any major event, helping expectant mothers feel more supported and much more. The more you practice this technique, the easier becomes to remove self doubt as soon as it starts creeping in. You've got this!


#infinitelifeworks www.infinitelifeworks.com