Clearing the Clutter

Clearing the Clutter

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women, & Lovers Of Women Everywhere...Let's talk about clearing the clutter.Clutter shows up in a multitude of forms. Clutter may manifest in the form of unhealthy thoughts, actions, beliefs, things and even people. It’s time for a deep evaluation and release. It’s time to let it all go.  

Your clutter may look like compounding negative thoughts that fill you with doubt, self hate and imposter syndrome. Holding tight to those thoughts only blocks you from the real you! Those thoughts are taking up residency within your mind and ultimately captive your soul. Get the push broom and sweep them out! They have no right to take up space within the sacred space of your mind. Serve them their eviction notice and allow your clarity, creativity and peace flow freely. 

Your clutter may look like unused items and unnecessary things taking up your physical space. Every corner is filled with stuff, which leaves you with very little room to move freely. That stuff you’ve got scattered about stacked up may also be what’s causing you to feel so low, depleted and filled with anxiety. Your physical space has a direct effect on your internal space, so when your space is a mess, you end up feeling a mess. Constantly being in the presence of clutter triggers a state of stress within the body so go ahead and take action. Donate what you don’t need and watch how much easier it is to relax and breathe. 

Your clutter may look like an attachment to people. You’ve got all these “friends” and acquaintances who are only present to drink up your energy with no thought or intention to replenish what they’ve taken. Your elevation threatens their comfort so they make it their goal to keep you in the same repetitive downward cycle. They bring constant drama and unhealthy beliefs which you then, unknowingly begin to embody and emulate. Cut ties with those frenemies, family members, partners and all others who are hindering your progress. Make room in your circle for those who genuinely want and will help you find the next steps for your elevation. Once you’ve cleared your friends lists, you’ll undoubtedly notice how much lighter your spirit feels. Your confidence will blossom and you’ll gain a new understanding of self. 

Clearing clutter is routinely necessary and one of the most advantageous times to practice clearing out is around the full moon. Full moon energy is about clearing space so aligning your cleansings with the full moon not only amplifies your cleansing energy, but also serves as a monthly reminder to pause, evaluate and get to cleansing. It’s time to clear out the clutter to make room for better! 



Let’s Talk About Authenticity

Trusting Intuition= Authenticity

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women, & Lovers Of Women Everywhere...Let's talk about authenticity. Do you know what happens when you start listening to your internal voice? You start thriving and living an authentic life!
Think about all the times you said yes, when you really wanted to say no. Your stomach ends up in knots and you cringe! When you go against your intuition, most times you end up saying to yourself “I knew I shouldn’t have done that, gone there, said that” etc. You end up with a bunch of “shoulda, coulda, wouldas!”
Many times, we find ourselves saying yes when we want to say no, falling in line with linear robotic living and not wanting to step out of line in fear of being scrutinized as the outsider, weirdo or outcast. As we continue moving through life playing roles, pleasing everyone else, but ourselves, we end up feeling stagnant, resentment, or a complete loss of identity. Just about every time you force yourself in spaces and places with faces that aren’t in alignment with who you are, you end up in unfavorable situations with unfavorable results. Every time you follow the expectations and play the roles that others have created for you, you ignore the essence of your true self. Every time you block your internal voice, you block your authenticity. You block yourself from being you!
None of the above sounds favorable. The good news is that you are capable of stepping away from under the fist of fear and onto a path where you are the designer. Instead of following and trying so hard to fit into the norms, try getting to know your likes, dislikes and desires. Ask yourself questions to get to the roots of yourself and listen for the answers.
Have I been listening to my internal voice?
Am I living the life I desire?
What does normal look like for me?
What do I expect of myself?
Am I living up to my expectations?
What ignites my fire?
Am I living where I want to live?
Am I eating how I want to eat?
Am I pursuing my desired career?
Am I as healthy as I want to be?
What changes do I need to make in order to thrive in my authenticity?
When you step away from all of that extra external “stuff”, you are able to find and hear your own voice loud and clear. Your decision making skills become much sharper. The livity that your soul has been beckoning for, begins to unfold. You are able to connect with soul family and people who have your best interests at heart. You are able to live with a clear conscience and peace of mind. You are able to connect with you!

Let’s Talk About Shame

Hey Mamas, Mommies to be, Women & Loves of Women Everywhere...Let’s talk about shame! Are you allowing shame to dictate your steps?
Shame will have you blocking your blessing. It will steal your joy. It will have you shrinking yourself because you feel less than. It will have you over doing things because you're trying to compensate for that feeling of lack. Shame makes you feel like you're less and shrinking yourself up, smalling yourself up, hiding yourself from the world because you don't want them to see your shame.
What you're actually doing is hiding all the gifts that you have to share with the world. You are blocking yourself from progressing into whatever person you really aspire to be. You are blocking yourself from moving into whatever goals and dreams you have. You are allowing shame, whether it's something you did on your own or something somebody else put on you, to dictate your steps.
In order to remove shame from being the dictator of your actions, you have got to make a choice. Decide that you want to step away from the shame. Put it down and never pick it up again! That requires some shadow work which is not an easy or pretty process. It’s not a quick fix. Sometimes it takes weeks, months or years. Sometimes you have to go through the process several times to fully get through it, but it is necessary.
In order to step away from shame, you've got to give yourself permission to investigate that shame, understand its origins, move through the pains, forgive yourself and release it. Sometimes it requires you to confront and have a discussion with people who are involved in whatever is bringing you the feeling of shame. You may need to seek counseling and that's ok.
You've got to give yourself permission to release. Once you have released that shame, you are free to bloom and stand in your power.

Finding Time For Self Care & Maintenance

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere... let’s take a moment to get real about intentional self care. First of all, are you being intentional and consistent about your daily self care? Do you have a daily self care routine and if so what does your daily self care routine look like? Is there really no time for yourself, or are you lacking the boundaries necessary to set aside the necessary time for yourself?

Yes, our daily schedules are quite demanding! We’ve got babies, business, home, partners, friends, family and so much more to tend to. In the mix of all of that, how and where do you find time for yourself? Let me tell you how.

You must be intentional about your self care and set healthy boundaries for yourself. Put your time on the schedule. Literally write or type it in for everyone to see! Demand that your time is just as important as everything else on the list. Actually, it’s more important than everything on that list because if you break down, then that list of “things to do” does not get done! You cannot tend to the needs of yourself or others if your tank is empty. It’s that simple. You’ve got to get used to filling up your own tank first. Get used to telling people “NO!” when it’s “YOU TIME,” or whenever you feel the need to say no.

Own your self care and honor yourself in whatever way feeds your soul! No one is going to do it for you! It’s up to you to make it happen for you.



Get Swinging – Simple Technique to Promote Circulation & Relieve Anxiety, Tension & Stress

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women Everywhere...Our bodies are amazing! It acts on our behalf in so many ways without us even giving any effort or thought to it.

Whenever we have an experience that is emotionally, mentally, or physically terrifying or stressful, our bodies jump into action in order to get us to move through or away from the stressor or threat. Most of us are familiar with this stress response, via our sympathetic nervous system, as “fight or flight. Once the threat or stressor has passed, our bodies then bring us back to calm and balance via the parasympathetic nervous system.

Many of us experience stressful events daily causing us to come face to face with unwanted anxiety in its many forms. You might be overwhelmed from the work load at home, triggered from having to go back to work, stressed and terrified about the health and well being of yourself and family. The great news is that you can consciously and proactively help your body maintain balance with simple consistent exercises and techniques.

We suggest you get swinging! Try the swinging arms technique to promote circulation and relieve anxiety, tension and stress. There is enough pressure and stress out there, but swinging requires very little effort. Your mind and body is begging for it, so get loose and just have fun with your child like mind. Share it with friends. Get the family to join in!

