Safe, Secure & Supported-Simple Root & Solar Plexus Chakra Exercise

Hey Mamas, Mommies To Be, Women & Lovers of Women your anxiety, self doubt or insecurity blocking your progress and stunting your growth? There are a multitude of external forces that negatively contribute to our lack of self confidence and fear, but the worst are those negative voices and feelings within us. No need to stress over though because there's great news! Do you know that you can reprogram your mind to focus thoughts to boost your confidence and sense of security in order to bring about your desired outcome? All it takes is a desire to change and practice!

Try this simple exercise to ground yourself, increase your confidence and stability. It's perfect for starting your day, setting the tone prior to any major event, helping expectant mothers feel more supported and much more. The more you practice this technique, the easier becomes to remove self doubt as soon as it starts creeping in. You've got this!

