Let’s Talk About Shame

Hey Mamas, Mommies to be, Women & Loves of Women Everywhere...Let’s talk about shame! Are you allowing shame to dictate your steps?
Shame will have you blocking your blessing. It will steal your joy. It will have you shrinking yourself because you feel less than. It will have you over doing things because you're trying to compensate for that feeling of lack. Shame makes you feel like you're less and shrinking yourself up, smalling yourself up, hiding yourself from the world because you don't want them to see your shame.
What you're actually doing is hiding all the gifts that you have to share with the world. You are blocking yourself from progressing into whatever person you really aspire to be. You are blocking yourself from moving into whatever goals and dreams you have. You are allowing shame, whether it's something you did on your own or something somebody else put on you, to dictate your steps.
In order to remove shame from being the dictator of your actions, you have got to make a choice. Decide that you want to step away from the shame. Put it down and never pick it up again! That requires some shadow work which is not an easy or pretty process. It’s not a quick fix. Sometimes it takes weeks, months or years. Sometimes you have to go through the process several times to fully get through it, but it is necessary.
In order to step away from shame, you've got to give yourself permission to investigate that shame, understand its origins, move through the pains, forgive yourself and release it. Sometimes it requires you to confront and have a discussion with people who are involved in whatever is bringing you the feeling of shame. You may need to seek counseling and that's ok.
You've got to give yourself permission to release. Once you have released that shame, you are free to bloom and stand in your power.

YAS-Yoni Art Session

Mommies to be and Women everywhere...If you have not participated or booked your private YAS, then I highly suggest you get on and into it!

Each session is unique but they are all pure magic! The women are always awesome and the energy is always divine!
We have fun and lots of laughter as we all learn, share and move through the process.

One of my favorite parts of the YAS is watching women unfold and sit comfortably within themselves as they go through the process. Sometimes I give instructions up until the very last detail and other times I let go, leaving room for the women to go into their own space and direction. I love how art captures a parts of a person's character and or current state of being. It's raw and honest even without intentionally trying to make it that way. It's just the nature of art.

The connectivity is real. The vibration of hurt and pain is felt and shared among us so we must get intentional about self care, self love and healing our current and past traumas. You have to start at the root. Honor yourself in that place. Just as hurt and pain is shared, the vibration of healing can be felt and is shared among us so get yourself into sister circles where you can be loved up on and held accountable for your ish.

I fall in love with the sisterhood more and more. We hold each other accountable with as we work through our "stuff". It's all love. When you get into a circle of women and get real about our stuff that's where connectivity and breakthrough lives. The sharing of stories among women is necessary. Sharing my gifts and learning from the beautifully bold women who show up are nourishment for my soul.

To be open and honest about and with yourself is key to full acceptance and growth of yourself.

Not only is art fun, I believe it is healing. The exploration of feminine energy and celebration of self through art is a step to regaining and claiming our power. I want women to boldly explore and experience the liberating healing of art.





Contact us to book your private YAS. Private one on one sessions as well as group sessions are available.

#infinitelifeworks #paintparty #creative#gateway #womb #wombman #creation#selflove

#healthandwellness #yonilove#goddess #godbody #birthwork #doula#wombniverse

#wombwellness#wombwork #infinite #honoryourself#ilovewhatido #woman #health #balance#healer

#arttherapy #artheals #painting#art #sipandpaint #Yoniart