in harmony

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…are you in living in harmony? As this week begins many feel the stress and strain of continuing the monotonous cycle of the commute to clock in. This recurring stress and dread is a clear indication of not living in harmony. It’s clear that change is needed.

     We’ve all heard the saying “do what you love and love what you do.” It makes perfect sense, especially when we look at our current situation. The less we enjoy or like what it is we do the more stressed we feel and we all know that stress can be detrimental to our livity. Stress brings in the illest of ills. But we all have a choice to make. We can stay under the pressing thumb of stress or we can move into alignment with our purpose and what brings us joy. The decision isn’t always easy. It may come with periods of struggle, but more times than not, we find that the struggle to move into harmony is well worth everything. Find what brings you harmony and make every effort to move towards it in order to live in agreement with what you love. 

in unconditional love,


leaping into the unknown

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…what is it about the unknown that you fear? Take a moment and think on that? Do you fear diving deep into the unknown parts of yourself because you’ll come face to face with parts of yourself that you don’t like? Are you afraid of the possibility of pain or finding and getting lost in unbelievable pleasure? Is it the possibility of success or failure? Is it fear of disappointment in finding that the foundation of your beliefs are actually false? What is it?

Now that you’ve asked yourself the hard questions and possibly uncovered some answers, move into the understanding that in order to move out of the fear of the unknown you must bravely dive into it! Stop holding yourself back from experiencing life’s beautiful gifts because of your fear. Face it and jump!  

in unconditional love,


life is art

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…this is the time to unleash all that you are! Refrain from restraining your true voice, your true light, your true self! If is your birthright to step into yourself fully and live out loud.

You have your voice, hands, sight, insight and all other parts of you to create the life you desire. Widen your view and step into your true vibrance. It’s all waiting for you, but you must stop waiting for it to just happen. Stop waiting for someone else to do it for you. Stop waiting, stop waiting, stop waiting! 

You have all the tools you need to create your masterpiece so get to work. Grab your brushes and fearlessly splatter some paint on your canvas! Turn the music up loud and move to it unabashedly! Release all that holds you back from creating and living the life you want. Release the fear of making mistakes in this life because the beauty of this art, is that there are no mistakes. Jump in and start creating! 

In unconditional love,


be the rainbow

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women…you have the beautiful opportunity to be the sunshine in someone’s life today so go ahead and be that! Be the abundant being of unconditional love that you are! Your smile, your gift, your generosity, your presence could be the very thing that keeps someone away from the ledge today. It could even be the very thing that keeps you alive today! You might find your calling in this message today.

Now here’s the bonus…the beauty in your actions of unconditional love will be poured back into you! Imagine that! Whatever you focus on, whatever you pour out, whatever you exude is what you manifest and return to you multiplied. Choose to be the rainbow and exude your vibrancy on this cloudy day! 


in unconditional love,


evaluating relationships

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women…this past year there’s been a strong focus on relationships, especially within these most recent months. 

If you’re currently questioning a relationship or someone new has entered your life, take a moment and evaluate how your energy feels when you’re in the presence of this person. This applies to platonic and or romantic relationships. Even right now as you think on him or her how is your body reacting. Pay attention to how your soul lights up or retracts. 

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Make sure to tell your ego to have a seat so it doesn’t interfere with your truth. Get honest with yourself and feel the YES, or the NO. Your answer is there! Don’t ignore it!

Now let’s dig a little deeper. For those of you feeling agitation, or other negative energy within a relationship ask yourself “where does that agitation stem from?” Where is the root? Sometimes your soulmate or the best thing for you is right in front of you, but you’re blocked from seeing the big picture clearly. The agitation you feel might stem from some past traumas that you haven’t healed. You’ve got some baggage that you haven’t unpacked yet. Get real with yourself and find out if the negative energy stems from within you. Some might be too prideful to admit the issue, but keep in mind that You might just be blocking yourself from the best thing right in front of you. Dig deeper and find the roots. 

in unconditional love,
