leaping into the unknown

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…what is it about the unknown that you fear? Take a moment and think on that? Do you fear diving deep into the unknown parts of yourself because you’ll come face to face with parts of yourself that you don’t like? Are you afraid of the possibility of pain or finding and getting lost in unbelievable pleasure? Is it the possibility of success or failure? Is it fear of disappointment in finding that the foundation of your beliefs are actually false? What is it?

Now that you’ve asked yourself the hard questions and possibly uncovered some answers, move into the understanding that in order to move out of the fear of the unknown you must bravely dive into it! Stop holding yourself back from experiencing life’s beautiful gifts because of your fear. Face it and jump!  

in unconditional love,


life is art

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…this is the time to unleash all that you are! Refrain from restraining your true voice, your true light, your true self! If is your birthright to step into yourself fully and live out loud.

You have your voice, hands, sight, insight and all other parts of you to create the life you desire. Widen your view and step into your true vibrance. It’s all waiting for you, but you must stop waiting for it to just happen. Stop waiting for someone else to do it for you. Stop waiting, stop waiting, stop waiting! 

You have all the tools you need to create your masterpiece so get to work. Grab your brushes and fearlessly splatter some paint on your canvas! Turn the music up loud and move to it unabashedly! Release all that holds you back from creating and living the life you want. Release the fear of making mistakes in this life because the beauty of this art, is that there are no mistakes. Jump in and start creating! 

In unconditional love,
