crystals for healing

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be, Women and Lovers of Women Everywhere…do you use stones and crystals for healing? What are some of your favorites? Rose quartz is one of our favorite crystals to utilize in Reiki healing.

“Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation. All things have a frequency and a vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

Though use of crystals and stones isn’t a popular practice within traditional western medicine, it is becoming more popular in holistic practices and in everyday life. The use of crystals and stones have been document in many ancient civilizations including Kemet and are still utilized today in many eastern practices.

When using stones and crystals in healing, it’s best to know which ones to use. Just as each person carries different energy and gifts, the same  applies to crystals and stones. Different crystals stones are used to optimize different organs and parts of the body. One great example of this is blood stone, which is used to cleanse the blood. Moonstone, amethyst, selenite and many others, are used for cleansing and healing unseen parts of the body such as the aura. Typically the darker stones and crystals, such as black tourmaline and obsidian, are used to remove and block negative energies.

When using crystals and stones for healing, it’s usually best if the receiver of the healing has direct skin to skin contact with the stones. They can also placed around a person or area, creating a grid of amplified energy. Some stones have such strong frequency that you can feel their energy simply by being in their presence without even coming into direct contact.

If you haven’t given crystals and stones a try, it might be in your best interest to check them out. Do a little research and see what you come up with.

If you’re interested in owning wrapped crystal pendants and necklaces we’d love to help you find the stone that’s a match for you. Feel free to contact us for a consultation.
