Help Yourself First

Help Yourself First

Hey Mammas, Mommies to be and Women everywhere...

we are nurturers, so it's quite natural for us to want to help others. There is much healing needed, but in order to do the work you must take care of self first. In order to effectively help others move through their trauma, hangups and limitations, the healer must first face and move through her own trauma. Before venturing out to help others she must heal herself first and remain committed her growth and self love.


Doing the hard work within yourself provides invaluable first hand experience. Your journey through your pain and into your triumph is the road map to helping others. Healing and growth is difficult work and is more often than not, much harder doing it on your own without guidance. Those who intentionally make the decision to explore and dig deeper into their personal growth will need guidance as they move through it all. The best guide is the one who has already walked the path.


Working on self is how you gain perspective, empathy and sharpen your tools. It opens you up to a space of less judgment while strengthening your capabilities simultaneously. It is how you prepare yourself for all the heaviness that comes with healing and growth. Experience is one hell of a teacher!


Stepping out without doing the self work first is self sabotage. It’s just like a plumber going to work without tools. Nothing can or will be fixed without the appropriate tools. Be sure to put in the time for self work because in the end it dramatically elevates your self worth. 

live&love infinitely
